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The dialectic of the sacred and the profane in the foundations of modern civilization

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The dialectic of the sacred and the profane in the foundations of modern civilization

The purpose of the project

Identify the mechanisms of secularization and sacralization in modern civilization.

Project tasks

- Conduct an audit of existing theories of secularization and alternative theories of the dynamics of religious traditions; - Determine the characteristics of the existence of the "profane" dimension of modern civilization, which allow us to assume the presence of a sacred component in secular phenomena; - Analyze key features of modern counter-secular integration projects.

Annotation to the project

The history of observations of people's religious beliefs allows us to conclude that a person's desire for the transcendent does not disappear even under the conditions of the dominance of atheistic ideas in the state or the removal of traditional confessions from participation in public life. At the same time, it is often not about the return of religion in its traditional institutional manifestation, but about completely new phenomena that nevertheless manifest the experience of encountering the sacred. Scholars see religious intentions in a whole spectrum of phenomena - from sports to rock music. At the same time, there are constantly emerging political ideologies and value-related projects that turn to religious symbols as their own source of legitimacy. Finally, new religious, spiritualist currents appear every year, which also seek to satisfy the religious needs of humanity. Within the framework of this project, we will try to look at the dialectic of the sacred and the secular in the human present as an integral attribute of civilization, but one that constantly manifests itself in various forms.