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Constitution of the Immanent Social Reality of Modernity in the Philosophical Discourse of Modern Times

Конституювання іманентної соціальної реальності сучасності у філософському дискурсі сучасної доби

Annotation. The article substantiates that the discourse on secularization is the most heuristic strategy for self-understanding of modernity. Philosophical concepts of Modern Times, a new understanding of the world, God and man were formed, as a result of which the Christian social reality was de-transcendentalized, and it has been replaced by the secular social reality of modernity. Descartes found an invariable reliable foundation of the existing in the self-consciousness of the subject, Kant showed the phenomenal nature of the world accessible to man, justifying its immanence, Hegel connected the completeness of the world with the self-development of the human Spirit in history. In the course of these conceptual transformations, the social reality of modernity was constituted, the architectonics of which denies the transcendental dimension, and the whole set of social practices is being placed in the immanent “here and now”.

Keywords: modernity, social reality, secularization, Christianity, transcendental, immanent, social practices.


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