Ukraine and world news 2020
31.12. The EU and China agreed during a video conference to conclude negotiations on an investment agreement. The EU-China investment agreement will give European companies unprecedented access to the Chinese market.
31.12. The Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime (OOCRP) named Brazilian President Jair Bolsonara "Man of the Year in Organized Crime and Corruption."
31.12. After the latter left the EU, the Agreement on Trade and Cooperation between the European Union and Great Britain entered into force. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain put a stamp on the document.
30.12. Today, more than 80 million people in the world are refugees, an increase of about 10 million compared to last year.
30.12. The UN Human Rights Committee recognized that by registering a child born in the country as “a person of unknown nationality,” the Netherlands violated his rights. This is the first decision of the Committee to affirm the child's right to nationality.
30.12. EU heads of state signed a trade and cooperation agreement with Britain after the kingdom left the EU.
29.12. To support ocean research, the UN General Assembly has decided to hold the Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development worldwide. It officially starts under the auspices of UNESCO on January 1, 2021.
29.12. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, almost 750 people are missing during the war in Donbass. Since the beginning of the armed conflict in Donbas in 2014, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Ukraine has opened almost 1,700 cases of disappearances.
28.12. Greece plans to repay the IRF 3.6 billion euros ahead of schedule, which must be repaid in 2021 and 2022. Early repayment of the loan allows the country to save tens of millions of euros, which had to go to service the loan.
28.12. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has restored the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. It was abolished in 2019, merging with the Ministry of Economy and Trade.
28.12. Britain and Turkey are to sign a free-trade deal Tuesday. The agreement is the fifth largest out of 62 bilateral trade accords Britain has signed since Brexit, after its deals with Japan, Canada, Switzerland, and Norway.
27.12. From 1 January 2021, following the end of the post-Brexit transition period, British financial services companies will lose automatic access to the European Union's single market.
27.12. China is recovering faster from the pandemic and may become the world's first economy in 2028, 5 years earlier than expected, overtaking the United States.
27.12. Among the priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2021 are: the creation of a qualitatively new and effective policy of the state of Ukraine towards foreign Ukrainians and access to the African continent.
25.12. Pope Francis in his traditional Christmas message Urbi et Orbi said that all people are "in the same boat" and called for making COVID-19 vaccines publicly available.
25.12. The first two social clubs for fathers were opened in Ukraine. They were created with the support of the European Union, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Women. The goal of the project is to involve young dads in taking care of children and to promote the development of more harmonious family relationships.
25.12. Technology firms are due a green shake-up. Data centres and networks each use around 1% of the world’s electricity, according to the International Energy Agency – more, for now, than electric vehicles. That could hit double-digits by 2030, making related emissions a problem.