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The "Right" Collapse


Elections to the European Parliament took place on different days throughout this week. Exit polls and the first results of the vote count indicate the success of far-right parties in many countries, including France and Germany.

In France, exit polls show Marine Le Pen's National Rally party ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's center-right Renaissance party.

French President Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the country's parliament shortly after exit polls showed a clear victory for Marine Le Pen's far-right party in the European Parliament elections. Macron's decision to dissolve the National Assembly and call new elections for June 30 and July 7 followed shortly after a call to do so by Jordan Bardella, who headed the Lepenistes' election list.

Obviously, the president will hope that his Revival party will be able to take revenge in the elections on June 30 and July 7. Or that other parties will perform better. But he cannot help but understand that for now the National Rally has a chance to win again - maybe not with such a crushing score, but confidently enough to become the largest party in the National Assembly. And then Prime Minister Le Pen may appear in France. Or Bardella.

In Germany, the three parties in the governing coalition are far behind the center-right CDU/CSU, which has 30%, and the far-right Alternative for Germany, which is projected to have 16%, up five percentage points from last year. elections in 2019. The ruling Social Democrats of Olaf Scholz gain only 14%, the Greens - 12%, the Free Democrats - only 5%. All of them have lost votes compared to the last elections to the European Parliament.

In Austria, the far-right Freedom Party is projected to come out on top with 27% of the vote.


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