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NI: Protests Against Judicial Reform in Israel Are a Struggle for the Future of the Country


by L.Hadar

In the current developing cold civil war in Israel, a kind of civilizational clash is evident. Although what is happening is seen as a struggle for judicial reform, in reality it is a struggle between the future - demonstrators representing Israel's pro-Western economic and cultural elite - and the forces of the past - ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students and far-right West Bank settlers.

Israeli experts have suggested that the conflict is between two opposing forces: "Judea", Jewish settlers who seek to annex the occupied Palestinian territories and install an apartheid system in Israel, joined by ultra-Orthodox theocrats whose sons do not serve in the military and do not study basic mathematics; and Israel, the high-tech entrepreneurs of the famed startup nation, retired Air Force pilots, and others in the country's productive economic sector.

This is a struggle whose outcome will determine the future of Israel. Will Israel remain a progressive liberal democracy and an advanced industrial and high-tech economy? Or will it turn into a backward theocracy with a Third World economy, a bi-national state, and eventually a Middle Eastern community like Lebanon, with never-ending strife between ethnic groups, religious sects, and tribal factions?

Most likely, the war between Judah and Israel will not end in an apocalyptic nightmare. Instead, if the situation worsens, Israel's best and brightest young people will emigrate from the crumbling Jewish state to Silicon Valley, Wall Street, London and Berlin. After all, why should they risk their lives to protect young, healthy men who refuse to serve in the military and help subsidize the ultra-Orthodox Jewish parasitic economy and West Bank settlements that threaten long-term chances for peace? Why should they live in a country where women and LGBTQ people are discriminated against and Arabs are treated like second-class citizens?

The politicians and legislators of the democratic world must take into account these rapidly changing political realities in Israel and recognize that the country's pragmatic political and military elite may soon be swept away and replaced by politicians whose values and interests do not align with those of the United States and Europe. In other words, if there was a time when Americans worried about irrational ayatollahs in Tehran gaining access to nuclear weapons, now they should worry about what would happen if an obsessed Jewish fanatic gained control of Israel's nuclear arsenal.


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