Main » Events » Public Expertise » Roundtable “Modern and anti-modern reaction to the crisis of liberalism: communitarianism and religious calls of secular Europe”
Roundtable “Modern and anti-modern reaction to the crisis of liberalism: communitarianism and religious calls of secular Europe”
On Monday, October 31, at Kiev National University named after T.Shevchenko there will be a roundtable dedicated to differences in reactions of modern and anti-modern communities to crisis, which occur within the framework of liberal ideology and modern social system. Participants are planning to discuss religious grounds of anti-modern projects of global development, a new religiosity in Europe and beyond it and the Western world’s axiological opposition against alternative projects. Representatives of UISGDA O.Bilokobyskyi and R.Khalikov will be moderating this roundtable. The beginning of the event -13:00. Admission is free; advance registration required.
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