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End of lockdown and Biden's inauguration: Top 5 events of the week


1. In Ukraine it is the last day of lockdown. From January 25, the country returns to softer restrictions of the "orange" zone - shopping centers, fitness clubs and restaurants are starting to operate with certain restrictions.

2. Democrat Joe Biden took the oath of office in Washington, DC, in front of the Capitol Building, and became the 46th, oldest president of the United States. On the day of the inauguration, the new president canceled a number of decrees of his predecessor, in particular. Suspended US withdrawal from WHO and the Paris Climate Charter.

3. On January 21, in Kharkov, in a two-story residential building converted into a nursing home, a fire broke out on the second floor. As a result, 15 people died, 9 were hospitalized to the nearest hospitals.

4. Unauthorized actions in support of Alexei Navalny are taking place in Russia. The reason was the arrest of an oppositionist who returned home from Germany after treatment. According to press reports, about 900 people were detained in Moscow.

5. The Cabinet of Ministers has set the boundary gas price for the population at UAH 6.99, the price will be valid from February 1 until the end of the heating season or the end of quarantine. This decision was made at an extraordinary meeting of the government on January 18.


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